

Bio: Together. Changing the game, because this game needs changing. We can make it happen! We can rise together to the Top of the Bottom Pile!

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35 thoughts on “About”

  1. Thanks so much for following me on Cold. πŸ™‚


  2. You guys! Thanks for the follow πŸ™‚


  3. Thank you for the follow, it’s very encouraging.


  4. Thanks for showing interest in what I put out too. I sincerely hope you continue to find my works entertaining & pleasurable. Be safe.


  5. Thanks for following WordBowlbyMsCharlieS (look forward to seeing a word from you) and thanks for introducing me to what you are doing here. I would totally frequent any 7.11 you helm…


  6. Love your mission – I love any quirkiness. Keep embracing your quirky – My mission in my life and business.


  7. Good luck in the wilds of Brooklyn…thanks for the visit & comment…keep a step ahead!


  8. Hi. Thanks for the follow (you’re my 1100th follower putting me somewhere near the top of the bottom, I guess, and good luck to youse all!


  9. Thanks for stopping by and actually following. I’m a little surprised as I’m serious most of the time and spend a great deal of my blogging time focusing on changing legislation, crimes of our government, and such. I am not an activist in any sense of the word. Everything I do is within the letter of the law.


  10. Hi there. Thank you for visiting and following HoB. Much appreciated!


  11. A good take on life.
    laughter eases all the wrinkles.
    Your thought is noble.
    Thanks for the follow.
    Hope you enjoy reading my poems.
    All the best.


  12. Hodgepodge 4 the Soulβ„’ said:

    Thank you for following. And your header photo made me bust out laughing! πŸ˜€


  13. Good luck. Some of my students hint I was accidentally a stand-up comedian for many years. It’s a tough job but etc etc..

    Liked by 1 person

  14. The world can never have enough laughter! Had to stop by, ‘top of the bottom’ peaked my interest as I often refer to myself as the ‘bottom of the top’ (3rd of 6 siblings).
    And I thank you kindly for the follow.
    Keep the laughter loud and the tears rolling πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  15. Thanks for following The Write Edge! I hope it edifies and enhances your day. Have a wonderful weekend!

    Liked by 1 person

  16. Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the follow. Looking forward to having a good laugh while I look around your site. :)M.

    Liked by 1 person

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